Don’t Neglect Chimney Inspections!

Chimneys are important to building structures, particularly throughout cold winter months. They help keep the noxious fumes generated by a fireplace from coming into the house, keeping the air inside clean and safe to breathe. While the chimney is a completely separate structure from the roof structure, it is essential to not neglect its regular inspection and maintenance, as it could easily become a source of hazardous carbon monoxide contamination.

Why Inspect?

There are many reasons to evaluate the chimney. The top end of the chimney is basically left open to various outdoor elements and the opposite end is constantly exposed to extraordinary heat, which makes the whole framework more susceptible to harm. home inspections miami

The most common type of problem to arise is cracks, with many varied causation factors. Thermal fatigue is one of the most typical events. The difference between inside and outside temperatures can easily cause the structure to fracture, establishing a path for leaks.

The flashing that joins the roof and the chimney may also loosen from thermal expansion of the roofing layers. Even heavy winds can allow the flashing to come loose, rendering it inadequate in the proper protection it needs to afford. This particular situation can result in leaks around the exterior section of the structure, allowing water to absorb into the underlying roofing layers.

Chimneys are most often used throughout the cold winter season; having said that, lots of things can happen in the interim. A feathered creature might nest inside the chimney flue during the summer months, causing a blockage. Soot could add up over several years of use and ultimately narrow the flue passageway, rendering it unsuccessful in exhausting unsafe gases.

When to Inspect

Most chimneys are made from brick masonry and occasionally cement; a few are built from prefabricated steel. Irrespective of what material have been used, it is very important to conduct examinations as follows:


An annual examination needs to be done several months prior to the winter season beginning to ensure any repairs can be made with sufficient time remaining prior to when the winter season actually starts. During the months when the chimney is not being used, dirt could possibly have accumulated. Birds have a habit of nesting in the chimney flue, which may cause a partial or even complete blockage. Damage might also have developed from previous winter’s usage and require repairs. An annual examination can help mitigate most of these problems.

Seismic Events

Immediately after an earthquake, it is very important to check the chimney for cracks. Even the steel variety ought to be evaluated, as it could also be weakened.

Violent Storms

Intense wind and hail are able to ravage masonry and cause openings in the flashing. Be sure to examine the exterior of the chimney after each and every storm to check for any brand-new damage.


When proof of a leak turns up on a ceiling, the chimney should be scrutinized along with the roof since either can be the cause of leaks. A crack might have occurred or the flashing may have loosened, enabling water to trickle through into the underlying material.

Essential Safety Tips

When getting up on a roof, there is a great risk of falling. When carrying out a chimney examination, it would certainly be preferable to do so during clear weather when the roof is not slippery. Donning rubber-soled shoes for additional traction would be wise as well as having a spotter nearby who could take action promptly in the event of a fall. It would also be a smart safety precaution to secure a safety line when getting up on top of the home. If the angle of the roof is really steep or too high, it’s better to leave the job to a professional contractor.

Chimneys are an important part of a building structure and should never be ignored. home inspections miami